【同义词辨析】 2018-06-19 精致choice-dainty

choice: stresses preeminence in quality or kind: a ~ bit of gossip.

exiquisite: implies a perfection in workmanship or design that appeals only to very sensitive taste: an ~ gold bracelet. bracelet手镯

elegant: applies to what is rich and luxurious but restrained by good taste: an ~ dining room with genuine French antiques. 雅致:人或物的外表举止即优雅有格调 ~is an attitude雅致是种态度

rare: suggests an uncommon excellence: refused to drink any but the ~st of wines.

delicate: implies exquisiteness, subtlety or frailty: the play's ~ charm was lost on screen.

dainty: suggests smallness coupled with exquisiteness: precious, ~ food that leaves you hungry.

choice精选: 强调质量种类出众,exquisite精致: 表示做工设计完美,符合敏感(即挑剔)品味, elegant雅致: 富丽豪华不失品味,rare罕见: 少见的优秀,delicate精致微妙: 精致微妙脆弱,dainty: 精致并且体积小

记忆方法: 1)首字母CEERDD重组为creded非常好记cred是第42个词根,表示相信ed被动)被大家相信的<==雅致是种态度。

        2)精致的意思是符合考究的品味mean having qualities that that appeal to cultivated taste.